To my surprise Debbi at All In My Cottage chose me as one of her top ten coolest blogs !!! So I will also list my top ten coolest blogs also !!!
Here are the guidelines for receiving this award:
1. Put the logo on your blog
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you
3. Nominate 10 other blogs for this award
4. Add links to those blogs
5. Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs
Here are my Top Ten !!
10. 7Rose Petal Path
There could be so many more on this list , it is so hard to pick !!! Hope you enjoy visiting everyone's blogs !! Thank you Debbi !!!
Thank you Eunice, what a sweety you are!! What a nice surprise this morning! I can see I'll have to check out all the other wonderful blogs on your list.... can't wait to see!
Smiles, Karen
Thank you so much for the Butterfly Award...What a nice way to wake up to an award this morning..I always love looking at all of your things..you are an inspiration to me! hugs and prayers, cheryl
Thank you for commenting on my blog and the beautiful butterfly award I am so honored! So cherry! xxoo Denise
Thank you so much for the lovely award!!
(What 'til my boys hear that their mom is "cool" -- or at least my blog is anyway!! ;)
Thanks for Giving and Blessing me with my 1st Award on my Blog :)
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